Friday, March 16, 2018

Do You Have a Salt Stained Driveway?

Deicers can affect concrete both physically and chemically. According to the Utah DOT, the physical effects of deicers on concrete are mainly manifested in increased damage from freeze-thaw cycling, while the chemical effects include detrimental reactions between the deicers and the cement paste, aggravation of expansive aggregate-cement reactions, and initiation and acceleration of corrosion when reinforcing steel is present in the concrete. Damage from deicer exposure can be manifested as surface scaling, cracking, concrete degradation, delamination, and premature failure.

Hopefully, we are past the point of getting any more snow so get those salt stains removed from your driveway and don't let more unnecessary damage happen to, what can be, one of the most expensive investments of your home.

If you find that you need help to clean and/or seal your concrete to prevent more damage being done...

 CALL OR TEXT Abigail at 319-361-2849
E-MAIL her at or
               VISIT our website at             


Monday, March 5, 2018

Do I Really Need to Clean, Polish and Seal Granite?

Why is it so important to protect natural stone?
To preserve the longevity of a natural stone installation it is very important to protect it with a proper sealer and clean with products designed especially for natural stone. All natural stone surfaces are porous. As long as there is an absorption factor, stone will stain and deteriorate over time. When your stone is properly sealed, the absorbion factor is eliminated.
Do I need to seal all my granite surfaces?
Yes! If you want to protect your investment and prolong the life of the material. Although we normally think of these surfaces as “hard as rock” but this can be misleading. They all have varying degrees of porosity and if left unsealed can easily be stained by everyday spills (juices, coffee, wine, oil…etc.). Acidic substances can even etch these surfaces and potentially ruin an expensive material. Although sealing does not make the material bullet-proof, it will reduce the chance of permanent staining, etching and/or discoloration.

We can help you protect your investment!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to
CALL OR TEXT Abigail at 319-361-2849, 
E-MAIL her at or
VISIT our website at